Melissa Dahl’s Blog Post About Writing Stories:
One of my favorite hobbies is writing, especially typewriting. I learned how to type on the keyboard connected to my computer since I was a student in middle school. I learned how to read and how to write when I was a child and writing has become one of my favorite hobbies. One of the specific genres of writing that I do is writing fanfiction which is basically writing a story that’s based off of your favorite movie, TV show, video game, book, etc.
One of my favorite TV franchises of all time is Transformers which is about giant robots who can transform into anything whether it’d be a car, a jet, a plane, a truck, a helicopter, or anything. I write fanfiction (or fanfics for short) about Transformers and I do it as a fun hobby to entertain myself and to write my own stories about Transformers.
I like to read and collect books from any genre whether it’d be fantasy, sci-fi, romance, drama, family, horror, mystery, comedy, poetry, or anything that suits my interests. I collected a book series called “Wings of Fire” which is basically a book series about dragons and when I was a teenager, I would read and collect books from the Warrior Cats book series written by Erin Hunter. I also collected a book series of Silverwing written by Kenneth Oppel which is basically a book series about bats.
I go to FanFiction.NET and I also go to Wattpad via social media where I post and publish my fanfiction online. If you want to take a look at some of my fanfic literature on those sites, here are the links to them.
Link to my Wattpad:
Link to my FanFiction:
Editor’s note: Do you enjoy writing or any other creative hobby? Let us know in the comments section below.