Introducing New Board Member Melissa Kilgore
Melissa Kilgore’s connection to KindTree started 10 years when she was looking for community resources for her 8-year-old autistic child who is now 19. She and her 2 children have attended KindTree’s Autism Rocks Friends & Family Camp for the past 10 years where she also volunteered as a nature hike leader for other campers. The friends she made at camp led to her becoming more active with Kindtree and the community.
Her Previous experience as a board member with Chintimini Wildlife Center, Adoption Connections of Oregon, and an advisory board member with the Arc’s Families Connected guided her interest in becoming a board member for KindTree. She’s excited to continue their mission and encourage community connections. While Melissa has dedicated her life to caring for her 2 recently graduated high schoolers, her other passion is teaching and educating in the field of biology. For the past 15 years, she’s taught marine biology classes at Lane Community College. Her home also includes 3 cats and 3 fish tanks plus the 7 saltwater aquaria she manages at Lane.
Welcome, Melissa! If any of you reading this are interested in becoming a volunteer board member, contact for an application.