Presentation / Workshop with Dr Wendela Marsh

September 29, 2023 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Hilyard Community Center
2580 Hilyard St
Eugene, OR 97405

Watch Dr. Wendy’s full presentation (90 minutes) on YouTube HERE.

Dr. Wendela Whitcomb Marsh (pronouns she/her/hers) is an award-winning author, adult autism assessment specialist, and a BCBA who has never done ABA.

She is the author of Recognizing Autism in Women and Girls and Independent Living with Autism: Your Roadmap to Success, among other titles. On a personal note, she has been wife and mother of late-diagnosed autists. As the owner of Adult Autism Assessment, LLC, Dr. Wendy is committed to helping you find the answers you need.

This event is an opportunity to interact with Dr Wendy and ask your questions about so many subjects. Ticket purchase available now…

Also included will be a brief introduction to Cognitopia’s new a Person Centered Approach to Diabetes Self-Management

Dr. Wendy

Tickets Are HERE

Event on Facebook

Wendela Event Flyer HERE